What to Do if You get a Hole in Your Tractor Tire

Tire Ballast
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You’ve properly ballasted your tractor tires to ensure balance and safety while you’re on the job, but what if you get a hole in your tire? With Rim Guard’s beet juice tire ballast, you don’t have to be afraid of a tire puncture resulting in damage to your land or animals. Here’s what to do in case you do get a hole or puncture in your tire:

1. Don’t panic!

Rim Guard Beet Juice Tire Ballast is the safest, non-corrosive tractor tire ballast on the market. Formulated from a byproduct of beet sugar production, our ballast is non-toxic to people, plants and farm animals. The primary material in beet juice tire ballast is a byproduct of the sugar beet manufacturing process. If some of the ballast leaks when your tractor tire gets a puncture, there’s nothing to worry about.  

2. Maintain pressure

If you experience a puncture, do not continue to operate the equipment until the leak has been taken care of. Most minor punctures in tubeless tires can be fixed by plugging the hole just like a car tire. Make sure to maintain enough pressure in the tire to ensure the tire remains on the bead of the rim. Loss of liquid can be minimized by rotating the puncture to the top of the tire to stop the liquid from escaping.  

3.Call your dealer

The leak has stopped, but what should you do next? After you’ve stopped the leak, contact your local Rim Guard dealer to ensure the puncture has been properly plugged. You’ve also most likely lost only a small percentage of your ballast at this point. Rim Guard dealers share that they can typically recover at least 90% of the ballast in these situations, assuming the leak is rotated to the top and repaired before operating the equipment.  Dealers and users alike are big fans of Rim Guard’s beet juice tire ballast because it won’t cause harm if it leaks out of a tire.  

Check out what Jim Fennessy of Berrien County, Michigan had to say:  

“I had blisters on my hands working with calcium chloride. It cleared up after switching to Rim Guard Beet Juice. I no longer sell calcium chloride. I serviced 30 of an orchard’s tractors to remove calcium chloride and fill them back up with Beet Juice for environmental reasons. Farmers like it because it washes right off if there is a leak.”

If you have had a tire puncture and you aren’t sure what product you have in your tires, it is always a good idea to exercise caution and call your local dealer of Rim Guard. They will be able to help you identify what the product is, and take the necessary steps to fix your tire, and provide you with the option to get the heaviest, non-corrosive tire ballast on the market put in your tires – beet juice tire ballast!  

If you have questions, concerns, or want other helpful hints about Rim Guard Beet Juice Tire Ballast, please call us at 616-608-7745 or email info@rimguardsolutions.com.   

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